Thursday, October 02, 2008

3 years!

3 years... really? was it really 3 years ago on a sunny October day that we promised our love for each other in front of our families and friends? wow, how time flies! We celebrated our anniversary this past weekend in Duluth after shooting Grant & Jessie's wedding (more on that in a few days). Although it was just a quick getaway, it was so very necessary- we were able to just BE- nothing we had to do but hang out with each other. It feels like it had been forever since we've just spent time together not talking about or doing work, and it was a very welcome change of pace. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE working together; it is just easy to forget sometimes that the person you're working with is the person you love, not the person you're employed with. It's been a busy 3 years, and the time feels like it has passed us by so quickly. We have to remember to stop and enjoy each other through this journey more often- maybe that'll be one goal for this 4th year of marriage that we're headed into.

Anyway, we wanted to share some of the fun pictures we took along the way this weekend. We love autumn, and even though it's a reminder of the cold, blustery days ahead, it's so worth it!

these ships were SO massive- this one was *only* 636 feet, and it was enormous. the one we saw at night was over 1000 feet long, and it felt like it went on forever, it was incredible!

a self-portrait of sorts, in front of the Split Rock lighthouse.

ps- I'm sorry I have to put our logo watermarked across these images, but we've seen a lot of problems with people stealing images online lately, and we're just too proud of these to let someone else call them their own...

this moment was nothing short of amazing... we were touring around the lighthouse, and decided to climb down the 174 steps to get to the shore line. we were only there for about 8 minutes because we had to head back to Duluth, but just as we were leaving, this rainbow appeared over the trees and grew across the entire sky, framing the lighthouse just perfectly. Then, a second rainbow appeared over the first, and we just couldn't believe it. I swear, you could sit on that rock for a month worth of days and never see something so spectacular. Of course, we only had 4 frames with which to capture it, as our card was full, but Chris got this shot while holding the camera down close to the water (without any view through the viewfinder). then, it wasn't so amazing when we had to climb back UP the 174 steps, in the pouring rain (rainbows usually mean rain, right)?

oh, and here's a video clip of us at the MN Landscape Arboretum on our actual anniversary evening (Wednesday), when Chris decided to tackle me out of the blue...

1 comment:

Jennifer Guenther said...

Those shot of Split Rock Lighthouse are absolutely amazing. You could sell those in any art gallery. WOW.