Monday, January 14, 2008

2007 was AMAZING!

I can hardly believe we're already into the 2nd week of January, 2008. Our lives have been one huge whirlwind for what seems like too long! We have been so blessed by good friends, good family, and amazing clients, and a funny dog to keep us company; and we couldn't be happier with what 2008 has in store for us. We're working fast and furiously to get everything from our 2007 weddings finished up (thank you to those of you who are being so very patient with us), and we anticipate a full schedule for this upcoming wedding season. We've been challenged, stretched, blessed, encouraged, and have grown immensely in 2007, and we're setting goals and working towards our best year yet, both personally and professionally. We wanted to share a few (ok, a LOT) of our favorite images from the year here, and we have also just finished updating the images on our website... so if you haven't visited us there in a while, come by and say "hi"! We'll be adding the slideshow of images to this post in the next day or two, so come back and check it out!

Thanks for making 2007 an AMAZING year for us! We're excited to see what 2008 brings!

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